Use this method only for your Educational / informative purpose. Writing a blog post consumes lot of time. Do not use it to copy the content and to republish them in to your Blog / Website, Get prior permission from the respective authors, Also, give full credit link to their website, share the original content link to your social networks such as Facebook, twitter.
Even, some copy paste blogs disabled the right click function. They'll copy the content from other blog or websites, but they don't allow to copy from their own website or blog.
Some websites and blogs are prevent the user from using the mouse right click functions. In some other websites, the keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl + C also disabled.
Did you feel it as frustrating one?

We may not able to come online all the time to view and study the article or information shown in their website, so, we need a offline copy of the information.
Then, How to copy the content from the site?
Mostly, they are using JavaScript to prevent right click on the webpage.
So, disabling the loading of JavaScript in your browser enables you to copy the content from the website. If keyboard shortcuts are not disabled, then you can select the text using mouse, then press Ctrl + C, to copy, then you can paste it anywhere (Ctrl + V).
If keyboard shortcuts are also disabled, then disable the JavaScript loading in your browser, then you can copy anything.
1. Firefox
Tools => Options => Under Content Tab, Remove the tick on Enable JavaScript option.
Dear friends,
Source : Courtesy :
Then, How to copy the content from the site?
Mostly, they are using JavaScript to prevent right click on the webpage.
So, disabling the loading of JavaScript in your browser enables you to copy the content from the website. If keyboard shortcuts are not disabled, then you can select the text using mouse, then press Ctrl + C, to copy, then you can paste it anywhere (Ctrl + V).
If keyboard shortcuts are also disabled, then disable the JavaScript loading in your browser, then you can copy anything.
1. Firefox
Tools => Options => Under Content Tab, Remove the tick on Enable JavaScript option.
Settings => Options => Under the Hood => Click Content Settings = > Select the Option "Do not allow any site to run JavaScript"
3. Internet Explorer
Tools => Internet Options => Security (Tab) => Click Custom level button, Under scripting select Active scripting Disable
Note :-
Change these settings temporarily, then revert back to the JavaScript enabled state. Because, most of the websites uses JavaScript including Gmail, otherwise the content will not be displayed properly.
Dear friends,
Use this method only for your Educational / informative purpose. Writing a blog post consumes lot of time. Do not use it to copy the content and to republish them in to your Blog / Website, Get prior permission from the respective authors, Also, give full credit link to their website, share the original content link to your social networks such as Facebook, twitter.
Even, some copy paste blogs disabled the right click function. They'll copy the content from other blog or websites, but they don't allow to copy from their own website or blog.
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