To enable installation of new Weblink easily, some modifications done in the release dated 25.04.13.
1. Update status checking provided.
2. At startup,if internet is not available, Weblink will close. After internet connection resumed, you need to open Weblink again.
3. Blogs re classified.
4. MIS links reconfigured.
5. ePapers-broken links rectified.
6. Icon re-designed.
At startup, Weblink will check up availability of updates. If updates available, the above message will be shown.You can update by clicking Yes button.Then file will be downloaded and open. Double click Downloader file.
Click OK.
Download will start. Please wait.
Click OK. The earlier Weblink deleted and updated version installed and will open.
Now, if you click Check for updates ,the above message will be shown.
Download Weblink 8.0 Release Date-25.04.13:

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